Friday, 19 December 2008

Employment in 2009

Several important issues will land on employer’s desks during 2009.

Dismissal and Grievance

On 6th April the statutory dismissal procedure will be deleted from the statute book and not before time – unless, of course, if you are an employment adviser!
I will include full details on my blog and website a little later.

You will need to review your discipline and grievance policy and you will need to give your managers some training on the new procedures.

The new law will take into account the size and administrative resources of the employer. However, an unreasonable failure to comply could attract a 25% uplift of any award.

48-Hour working Week

The European Parliament voted against the UK’s opt-out from the 48-hour working week on 17th December 2008. This is not the end of the opt-out but it is definitely the ‘start of the end’. There are opposing views and I can understand both sides. However, at the time of a biting recession it may not be the best time!

Employment Agencies

Expect new rules to implement the European Directive on employment agencies that might have an impact on the employment status and the process of offering permanent jobs to agency workers.

And the rest . . .

Other changes around the corner include a new all-embracing discrimination act, changes to maternity rules.

And the costs . . .

As from 1st February 2009 the limit on a ‘week’s pay’, for redundancy and other calculations, will be raised from £330 to £350. The maximum award for unfair dismissal will be raised from £63,000 to £66,200. Remember awards in some areas, like discrimination, whistleblowing, etc, are not capped!

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