Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Pregnant Employees

In both my commercial work and voluntary work with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, I have seen a disturbing increase in cases involving pregnant employees. These include forced resignations, imposition of detriments, failure to follow health and safety requirements and a general reluctance to follow correct procedures. I ask myself, is there a general increase in similar complaints? Is it an indirect result of the difficult trading environment?

Of course, I understand that pregnant worker can cause the small firm problems in areas such as continuity and temporary cover. These are issues that a large organisation takes in its stride.

This said, the law is quite clear and, whether you like it or not, must to be followed. There are few circumstances in which an employer can dismiss a pregnant employee with impunity.

I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that many employers know what should be done but take a risk – maybe hoping that the lady will work away, content with her new bundle, and never return. However, any are finding to their cost that this is not the case. What are your experiences?

Finally, if you are in this situation seek advice before you take action not afterwards.

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