Monday, 30 March 2009

The Dawn of Change

Whilst all of us in the employment field are finding ourselves involved in issues of redundancy, lay-offs and variations of contract, there are other things to consider.

For example, the new discipline procedures start very shortly and the real impact will not be known for some time; until the lawyers have had time to find the holes. I don't think they will make a great deal of difference to large organisations who will retain their agreed policies and procedures. Small employers may find the whole process a little less testing. We will no longer need to submit or receive a formal grievance before submitted an employment tribunal claim.

The whole process is designed to encourage employers and employees settle their differences before resorting to litigation - if only it was that easy. ACAS will even get involved in the pre-dismissal/resignation stage. This is another area in the 'wait and see' box.

To this end I commend you to my book "The Employer's Guide to Grievance and Discipline Procedures Procedures - Identifying, addressing and investigating employee misconduct". Published recently by Kogan Page and available on all the usual shops and websites - Amazon, Waterstones.

Whilst pushing this book I would commend you to read chapter 2 on Proactive Discipline - it has the potential to save a lot of time and effort!!!

If you do buy a copy, let me know what you think.